Kozina Group
Kozina Group
The Laboratory of Colloid and Interface Science
Phase Behavior
Flow Properties
Institute of Chemistry
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Department of Physical Chemistry
Research Topics
Our Current Focus
Colloidal particles behave in many ways analogous to atoms and molecules. Similar to molecular systems, particles may be found in gaseous, liquid, or solid phases. We are interested in studying particle organization and its underlying mechanisms.
The rheological behavior of colloidal dispersions and polymer solutions is important for many technological applications, such as the production of food, personal care products, coatings, medicines, etc. We are interested in the characterization of complex fluids to obtain knowledge of their flow properties on macroscopic and microscopic length scales.
We are interested in the application of our knowledge of basic colloidal science to the creation of new functional materials in the fields of biomedicine, coatings, and catalysis.
Institute of Chemistry, National Autonomous University of Mexico,
Circuito de Investigacion Cientifica c/n, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, Mexico City
(+52) 555622437